
Germany Calendar

Holidays, School vacations, Non-working days

Spring holidays in Germany in March, April, and May

German holidays in spring: state, folk, religious holidays with celebration dates by years 2023, 2024, 2025.

Many holidays in Germany have sliding dates that change every year, so the exact dates need to be checked separately for each year. In the following tables, you will find dates and a brief description for each celebration. State holidays in Germany, the schedule of school vacations in Germany can be found on separate pages of our website.

List of holidays

  Spring holidays in Germany in March 2024

Date The name of the holiday Name in German
8 March 2024 (Fr) International Women's Day Internationaler Frauentag
The International Women's Day on March 8, it originally appeared as a day of women's struggle for equality, political rights and emancipation. In Germany, this holiday is not common. March 8 is an official holiday and a free from work day only in some regions.
24 March 2024 (Su) Holy Week Karwoche
In Christianity, the week preceding Easter is devoted to commemorating the suffering, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Each day of the week includes certain memorable events, customs and traditions.
24 March 2024 (Su) Yew Sunday Palmsonntag
A Christian holiday, the last Sunday before Easter, the beginning of Holy Week. Also known as Palm Sunday. It is considered the day of Christ's entry into Jerusalem on a foal, which event people greeted with palm branches. Today, according to the tradition, willow and other tree branches are cut. In Protestant churches, the rite of confirmation takes place.
25 March 2024 (Mo) Annunciation to the Blessed Virgin Mary Mariä Verkündigung
A church holiday in connection with the message of the angel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus Christ, about his future birth.
28 March 2024 (Th) Holy Thursday Gründonnerstag
Great or Holy Thursday, the day of Christ's last supper with his disciples on Passover. In churches services are held.
29 March 2024 (Fr) Good Friday Karfreitag
The Holy or Good Friday-it is believed that the feast is based on the event associated with the death of Christ and the expectation of his resurrection. The name of the holiday comes from the old German word char (sadness, crying). On this day, the Way of the Cross is performed in Catholic churches.
30 March 2024 (Sa) Holy Saturday Karsamstag
Great or Holy Saturday - the last day of Holy Week, the day of silence and prayer, preparation for Easter. Services are held the night before Easter.
31 March 2024 (Su) Easter Ostern
One of the most important holidays in Christianity, celebrated in connection with the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

  Spring holidays in Germany in April 2024

Date The name of the holiday Name in German
1 April 2024 (Mo) Easter Monday Ostermontag
The Second Day of Easter, street processions and walks are taken
1 April 2024 (Mo) Day of jokes and laughter 1. April, Narrentag
The day of laughter and jesters, celebrated in many countries of the world. People in Germany make fun of each other and say "Aprilscherz" or "April, April."
7 April 2024 (Su) Dominica in albis Weißer Sonntag
White or Low Sunday/ Sunday of St. Thomas the Apostle - the first Sunday after Easter. White clothes of children, candles, flowers are the symbols of purity and innocence. On this day, the rites of communion or confirmation are held in churches.
23 April 2024 (Tu) World Book and Copyright Day Welttag des Buches und des Urheberrechts
A day established by UNESCO to educate people and develop cultural traditions. In libraries, book authors read their works, book exhibitions and fairs are held.
23 April 2024 (Tu) Feast of Saint George Georgstag
A church holiday in honour of St. George. Traditionally it is an important day for peasants and the village. Traditions embrace equestrian processions, bells ringing, riders impersonating.
30 April 2024 (Tu) Walpurgis Night Walpurgisnacht
An ancient custom, observed from April 30 to May 1, associated with believing in witches and evil spirits. Bonfires are made that night, children put on fancy dresses, make a lot of noise, tell terrible stories, lovers jump over bonfires. Various superstitions are also common. This night is also associated with the May Day Eve.

  Spring holidays in Germany in May 2024

Date The name of the holiday Name in German
1 May 2024 (We) Labor Day, May 1 1. Mai
Labor Day is a day off from work in Germany. Initially, it was associated with the struggle to ban child labour, protect the rights of workers and provide an 8-hour working day. Political organizations hold debates and rallies on this day.
1 May 2024 (We) May Day Maifest
A traditional May festival with fixing the Maypole, deciding on the May Queen and dancing, the origin of the holiday traditions is associated with fertility rituals.
9 May 2024 (Th) Ascension of Christ Christi Himmelfahrt
The celebration is associated with the ascension of Jesus Christ to heaven on the 40th day after his death and resurrection. Worship services are held, fertility practices such as field processions sometimes take place. On this day, Germany also celebrates Father's Day.
9 May 2024 (Th) Father's Day Vatertag
A holiday celebrated in honor of fathers. On this day, people go to the fields on hiking tours or walking excursions with carts or wagons full of wine or beer bottles (according to the region) and traditional regional food, drink alcohol and eat sausages. Children sign greeting cards and give gifts to their fathers.
12 May 2024 (Su) Mother's Day Muttertag
The International Mothers Day is a day of honoring mothers; on this day, children give their mothers flowers, drawings, and other gifts. It is believed that it comes from the ancient Greek cult of the mother; throughout history it has also been used as a day of unity of mothers in the struggle for peace.
15 May 2024 (We) Cold Sophie Kalte Sophie
Saint Sophie or Cold Sophie Day. Peasants and farmers plant flowers, seedlings, and also drive livestock to the fields after this day, it is believed that warm weather will set in after the Ice Saints (St. Pancras, St. Servatius, St. Boniface, and St. Sophie) period from May 12 to 15.
19 May 2024 (Su) Pentecost Pfingstsonntag
The celebration in connection with the formation of the Christian congregation on the 50th day after the Easter and the outpouring of the Spirit (Trinity). The celebration is accompanied by such traditions as: horse processions, round dances, tournaments and competitions, driving cattle off to pasture in the fields. In Germany, a festival of mills is also held on this day.
20 May 2024 (Mo) Pentecost, 2nd day Pfingstmontag
The Second Day of Pentecost.
30 May 2024 (Th) Corpus Christi Fronleichnam
A Catholic holiday with a procession of a priest and parishioners of the church through the streets with a reminder of the Eucharist and the body of Christ, given to atone for people.

Explanation of the table:

Holidays in winter, Holidays in summer, Holidays in autumn


Last updated:

Spring holidays in Germany in March, April, and May 2023, 2024, 2025

Spring holidays in Germany in March, April, and May 2023, 2024, 2025

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