
Germany Calendar

Holidays, School vacations, Non-working days

Summer vacations in Germany for the years 2024, 2025 by states

Schedule of Summer holidays by states and by years. Learn when they start, how long they last, and how the summer vacations are spent in Germany.


In the following list, you will find the schedule of Summer holidays. The information about the holidays is provided in accordance with the data from the Secretariat of the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Culture and Education of the German states. Since the time of information entry, some holiday dates may have been changed. The most up-to-date information can be obtained from the School Administration of each state in Germany (see links in the holiday schedule by states).

Schedule of Summer holidays for 2024

Start End German Federal lands
20.06.2024 31.07.2024 Summer vacations in Thuringia Germany Germany
20.06.2024 02.08.2024 Summer vacations in Saxony Germany Germany
24.06.2024 02.08.2024 Summer vacations in Bremen, Lower Saxony Germany Germany
24.06.2024 03.08.2024 Summer vacations in Saxony-Anhalt Germany Germany
08.07.2024 20.08.2024 Summer vacations in North Rhine-Westphalia Germany Germany
15.07.2024 23.08.2024 Summer vacations in Hesse, Rhineland-Palatinate, Saarland Germany Germany
18.07.2024 28.08.2024 Summer vacations in Hamburg Germany Germany
18.07.2024 30.08.2024 Summer vacations in Berlin Germany Germany
18.07.2024 31.08.2024 Summer vacations in Brandenburg Germany Germany
22.07.2024 31.08.2024 Summer vacations in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Schleswig-Holstein Germany Germany
25.07.2024 07.09.2024 Summer vacations in Baden-Württemberg Germany Germany
29.07.2024 09.09.2024 Summer vacations in Bavaria Germany Germany

  When do the Summer vacations start and how long do they last

If you are interested in when the Summer vacations start and end, as well as how long they last for schoolchildren in Germany, pay attention to the following information.

In 2024, Summer vacations in Germany last an average of 42 days. In different federal states, the holidays occur at different times. The earliest start of the holidays is on 20 June 2024 in Thuringia; the latest end of the holidays is on 9 September 2024, in Bavaria.

  Sommerferien by states in Germany

The dates for the start and end of the Summer holidays are set separately in each federal state of Germany, so the holiday schedule needs to be checked for the federal state where the particular school is located. Choose the federal state you need to view the information.


Last updated:

Summer vacations in Germany 2023, 2024, 2025

Summer vacations in Germany 2023, 2024, 2025

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