
Germany Calendar

Holidays, School vacations, Non-working days

Summer holidays in Germany in June, July, and August

German holidays in summer: state, folk, religious holidays with celebration dates by years 2024, 2025, 2026.

Many holidays in Germany have sliding dates that change every year, so the exact dates need to be checked separately for each year. In the following tables, you will find dates and a brief description for each celebration. State holidays in Germany, the schedule of school vacations in Germany can be found on separate pages of our website.

List of holidays

  Summer holidays in Germany in June 2025

Date The name of the holiday Name in German
5 June 2025 (Th) Saint Boniface's Feast Day Tag des heiligen Bonifatius
The Memorial Day of the missionary and reformer of the church, who is considered the apostle of all Germans.
8 June 2025 (Su) Pentecost Pfingstsonntag
The celebration in connection with the formation of the Christian congregation on the 50th day after the Easter and the outpouring of the Spirit (Trinity). The celebration is accompanied by such traditions as: horse processions, round dances, tournaments and competitions, driving cattle off to pasture in the fields. In Germany, a festival of mills is also held on this day.
9 June 2025 (Mo) Pentecost, 2nd day Pfingstmontag
The Second Day of Pentecost.
19 June 2025 (Th) Corpus Christi Fronleichnam
A Catholic holiday with a procession of a priest and parishioners of the church through the streets with a reminder of the Eucharist and the body of Christ, given to atone for people.
24 June 2025 (Tu) St. John the Baptist’s Feast Day Johannistag
The celebration in honor of the birth of John the Baptist (Midsummer Night). A lot of superstitions and mysticism are connected with it: making a fire, opening the door to the fairy world, wreaths or crowns, night walks, etc.
27 June 2025 (Fr) Feast of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Herz-Jesu-Fest
The Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ in the Catholic Church is associated with reverence for the heart of Jesus as a symbol of his love. The symbols of the holiday are a heart and a cross. The tradition is associated with the cult of the Heart of Christ, common in the Middle Ages, and mysticism.
29 June 2025 (Su) SS. Peter and Paul Day Peter und Paul
The Memorial Day of the two apostles of Jesus Christ Peter and Paul, who played a special role in early Christianity. Celebrated especially in Bavaria; for the holiday a fire is made (in German: Petersfeuer) and, as is customary, a straw doll is burned.

  Summer holidays in Germany in July 2025

Date The name of the holiday Name in German
25 July 2025 (Fr) St. James's Day Jakobstag
The day of remembrance of James, an Apostle of Jesus Christ. A pilgrimage to Spain, Santiago de Compostela, is connected with it. The James path also runs through a number of German cities. Harvesting of wheat and rye begins on St. James's Day, and insome places festivities are held.

  Summer holidays in Germany in August 2025

Date The name of the holiday Name in German
8 August 2025 (Fr) Augsburg Peace Festival Augsburger Friedensfest
A public holiday held only in the city of Augsburg. A Peace Festival in memory of the peace agreement and the reparation of the religious situation between Protestants and Catholics. At the festival, a peace prize is awarded, various events dedicated to peace are held, a children's drawing of the holiday is elected.
10 August 2025 (Su) St. Lawrence's Day Laurentiustag
The Memorial Day of St. Lawrence. Falls of meteorites during this period of summer are called Tears of Lawrence (in German: Laurentiustränen). Processions of cooks are associated with the holiday, since Lawrence is considered their protector. There are coats of arms and brotherhoods of St. Lawrence. It is also associated with the Cranger Kirmes folk festival in the city of Herne.
15 August 2025 (Fr) Assumption of the Virgin Mary Mariä Himmelfahrt
The celebration of the Ascension of Mary, mother of Jesus Christ. The celebration uses bouquets of herbs and flowers. During the period of 30 days after the holiday, pilgrimages sometimes take place.

Explanation of the table:

Holidays in winter, Holidays in spring, Holidays in autumn


Last updated:

Summer holidays in Germany in June, July, and August 2024, 2025, 2026

Summer holidays in Germany in June, July, and August 2024, 2025, 2026

By year