
Germany Calendar

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Celebrating the Reformation Day in Germany: dates, celebration, conventional congratulations, greetings, traditions and customs on the Reformation Day

On this page you will find a description of the Reformation Day festivities in Germany. Celebration dates by year, customs and traditions common for Germany on the Reformation Day, a description of the origin, congratulations & greetings.

  Dates for the Reformation Day celebration in Germany

The date of the Reformation Day celebration in Germany remains unchanged every year and falls on 31 October.

The Reformation Day celebration date in Germany:
Friday 31 October 2025 .

Below is a list of dates for celebrating the Reformation Day in Germany by year, provided that in previous and subsequent years the present practice and time of the holiday celebration is preserved:

  Other names of the holiday

Holiday name in German: Reformationstag.

We are not aware of any other names for the Reformation Day in Germany.

  Holiday status in the territory of Germany

The holiday is an official extra non-working day only in the following federated states (lands) of Germany:

  Wishes and congratulations, greetings on the Reformation Day in Germany

No information available.

  Description of the Reformation Day celebration: customs and traditions:

This holiday or the anniversary of the European church reformation beginning is celebrated by the Evangelical and other Protestant churches. On this day, services are held in Protestant churches, with the focus on the remission of sins through faith, because it was this understanding of Christian values that served as the reason for the reformation. Besides, traditional songs are sung on this day, and the liturgical colour is red being the symbol of blood.

In many federated states of Germany, the Reformation Day is a public holiday, free from work and study.

In 2017, in connection with Reformation Day 500th anniversary, it was declared a nationwide holiday and a day off from work.

  The origin of the Reformation Day holiday

Martin Luther, a theologian and Doctor of Divinity of Saxony, known for his translation of the Bible into German and Theses criticizing Catholicism and especially the sale of indulgences. The dispute document he wrote with 95 Theses is considered the beginning of the Reformation and Protestantism in Europe. He is believed to have nailed his 95 Theses on the door of the castle church in Wittenberg on October 31, 1517, although this is not known for certain.

It should be noted, however, that long before Martin Luther, educated people opposed the ways and customs of the church and criticized its doctrines and actions, as well as translated the Bible into the language of ordinary people – the vernacular. Many of them were accused of heresy by the church and executed.

  Photos, pictures for the holiday

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