Public Holidays in Germany for 2026
Dates of holidays, list, weekends in federal states.
Schedule of public holidays in Germany 2026
German Holidays
Date | The name of the holiday | Lands |
1 January 2026 Th, 01 CW | New Year's Day Neujahrstag | Nationwide holiday |
6 January 2026 Tu, 02 CW | Twelfth-day Heilige Drei Könige | Valid only in lands: - Baden-Württemberg, - Bavaria, - Saxony-Anhalt |
8 March 2026 Su, 10 CW | International Women's Day Internationaler Frauentag | Valid only in lands: - Berlin, - Mecklenburg-Vorpommern |
3 April 2026 Fr, 14 CW | Good Friday Karfreitag | Nationwide holiday |
5 April 2026 Su, 14 CW | Easter Ostern | Nationwide holiday |
6 April 2026 Mo, 15 CW | Easter Monday Ostermontag | Nationwide holiday |
1 May 2026 Fr, 18 CW | Labor Day, May 1 1. Mai | Nationwide holiday |
14 May 2026 Th, 20 CW | Ascension of Christ Christi Himmelfahrt | Nationwide holiday |
24 May 2026 Su, 21 CW | Pentecost Pfingstsonntag | Nationwide holiday |
25 May 2026 Mo, 22 CW | Pentecost, 2nd day Pfingstmontag | Nationwide holiday |
4 June 2026 Th, 23 CW | Corpus Christi Fronleichnam | Valid only in lands: - Baden-Württemberg, - Bavaria, - Hesse, - North Rhine-Westphalia, - Rhineland-Palatinate, - Saarland, - Saxony, - Thuringia (Saxony, Thuringia: only in some regions) |
8 August 2026 Sa, 32 CW | Augsburg Peace Festival Augsburger Friedensfest | Valid only in lands: - Bavaria only in Augsburg |
15 August 2026 Sa, 33 CW | Assumption of the Virgin Mary Mariä Himmelfahrt | Valid only in lands: - Bavaria, - Saarland (Bavaria: only in some regions) |
20 September 2026 Su, 38 CW | Universal Children's Day Weltkindertag | Valid only in lands: - Thuringia |
3 October 2026 Sa, 40 CW | German Unity Day Tag der Deutschen Einheit | Nationwide holiday |
31 October 2026 Sa, 44 CW | Reformation Day Reformationstag | Valid only in lands: - Brandenburg, - Bremen, - Hamburg, - Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, - Lower Saxony, - Saxony, - Saxony-Anhalt, - Schleswig-Holstein, - Thuringia |
1 November 2026 Su, 44 CW | All Saints' Day Allerheiligen | Valid only in lands: - Baden-Württemberg, - Bavaria, - North Rhine-Westphalia, - Rhineland-Palatinate, - Saarland |
18 November 2026 We, 47 CW | Day of Prayer and Repentance Buß- und Bettag | Valid only in lands: - Saxony |
25 December 2026 Fr, 52 CW | Christmas Weihnachten | Nationwide holiday |
26 December 2026 Sa, 52 CW | The 2nd day of Christmas 2. Weihnachtstag | Nationwide holiday |
Holidays, School Vacations, Weekend in Germany 2026:
- School holidays in Germany 2026
- Germany holiday calendar 2026
- New Year's Day in Germany 2026
- Twelfth-day in Germany 2026
- Good Friday in Germany 2026
- Easter in Germany 2026
- Labor Day, May 1 in Germany 2026
- Ascension of Christ in Germany 2026
- Pentecost in Germany 2026
- Corpus Christi in Germany 2026
- Augsburg Peace Festival in Germany 2026
- Assumption of the Virgin Mary in Germany 2026
- German Unity Day in Germany 2026
- Reformation Day in Germany 2026
- All Saints' Day in Germany 2026
- Day of Prayer and Repentance in Germany 2026
- Christmas in Germany 2026
- Universal Children's Day in Germany 2026
- International Women's Day in Germany 2026
Last updated: